Everyday hd happen sum new. Luckly o of tat is funny 4 my family.
D story is starting frm whn my cousin came 2 my hom.
Her name~~Ether.
Actuali I not 2 close wf her..i ws knw her whn v r bz 4 my aunt’s funeral..
I still rmbr tat time my aunt’s son ws keep calling her s 38.
Plz,how she knw wat d meaning of tat? So I xplain 4 her…
N whn she know d meaning of,she ws keep tat name s her own,
N she looked very like tat name…
Sumtime I ws keep saying 38 on sumbody who I dislike..
Den she ws ans us…“YES?!”
Actuali,38 is mine…
She ws so funny, she ws told us abt her funny story in her scu,
Abt her frenz, her family, n her teacher..
Another d tat, she jz same wf my family member~
~nvr respect my grandpa’s wife…who is living wf us nw.
Bt Ether ws close wf us…she owaz make my parent laugh,
She owaz say tat she luv n respect us 4ever.
V oso luv her…
Another story is abt ghost story…
~Im doesn’t mean tat I wanna talking abt tat here…~
In tis few dayz, Ether, my sis n I stay in my bedroom, watching ghost CD.
V cn watching frm morning until midnite. Jz take a rest 4 slping, eating n toilet.
When v r break1st outside, Ether will search n buy sum zombie movie.
A lot of movie she bought…
Bcz of my sis will going 4 d NS, my mum wori tat my sis will fear thr,
So my mum keep asking us dun watching 2 much.
~8 zombie movie
Bt v r njoy in tat…
in tis holiday, I jz staying home, sumtime ws shoping Ipoh..
sienz lol
im less on9 zor…
cz im owaz using my bro’s computer 2 watching movie..
watching movie later…