u c his smile, itz same wf my baobei梓维..
ermm, his sound reli same wf my baobei, his size oso small 1
hahaha...nice of him..
2day he was sleep in my class..i din ask y he sleep
i jz ask other pple shut up their mouth cz he's sleep
hahaha....so 偏心 izit...but dey all udrstd
he ws fever sudenly in d class, so his classmate din disturb him
im so wori abt him n keep asking him drink much
den he ask 4 going toilet..his voice too small
n i ask him took d pass...he jz walk away...
he ws so unwell 2day..
i tink u shud know d reason~
he's look so same wf SAMUEL NG DJ...
actuali i took wf him whn i m 1st time teaching in his class
since, his classmate gv him a name~赵老师的宝贝
i whr got so many baobei de,n my baobei jz 1 onli
sumtime im too terrible whn i m talking in his class
but he ws special...whn he asking me, i ll ans him wf soft 1
hahaha....sure other ppl jealous la...
but im not sengaja de mah~
oh ya,tis week he was cut his hair adi...
i ask him 2 take again but he ran away 2 canteen b4 i caught him
if u got view my frenzter,u ll know tat
he's look same wf my fs friend hu name 精灵王子
he was a gud guy oso...
sumtime im bertugas, he ll cum 2 meet me wf other guyz
last time so many girl in d class going out 4 practise their performance
so i jz communicate wf d boys
since tat time, v r close adi
n in d sportday v gv contact n keep sms
so cute of dem n so ez 2 regco dem~their hair style...
dey ws close fren wf ahLui,
dey 3 a best fren den sure i got gv contact wf dem too
owaz make sum fun in my Music class,
but so bad luck...weiwei ws injured whn he down frm stair
den he cried n im so wori abt him
i ask haohao co his mum n inform his class tch~
weiwei cried non-stop cz his ankle ws so pain...
den tis thurs n fri din cum 2 scu,he stay at home
i got sms him whn im free frm class..haha
den v start sms again in aftnoon n nite~
his name is 仁杰, y i wan 2 fren wf him?
bcz his bottle is same wf mine 1...hahahah...
he was a pendiam...not talking too much in class
well, whn i ws talkin he was listen mine...
but my subject is sienz n boring 1...Pen.Sivik...公民
haiz...im hard 2 find d topic n so hard 2 sharing wf dem
ok...ahLui,weiwei haohao n him is in a same class
their class so noisy 1, d girls lol...beh tahan
he ws so cute n he sit infront d tch's table
he owaz talk wf me n 顶嘴 wf me
i owaz scold him de,but i tink he wun scare me 1
he owaz open my pencil case, check inside
n open all my ting~
my 4renbang foto, my art, my small note...
all of tat he ws check
wat he checking 4 leh?haiz
1st i saw him, i co him 杨其霖(joker)...
his voice, his act, his word, all jz same
den he treat me jz like Joker, chatting wf me like Joker
so tat i owaz ask him 2 help me take my bookz, etc
wat d funny ting is...his name is 叶智健
u can c here in his name tag..im not lie ok
so funny...he ws combine Joker n Zhijian...
hahahahahahahha......funny human here
whn i go tat scu 4 interview, yc go wf me
n v go in d stuff room 4 seeing PK...
outside d stuff room, got 2 student opened d door 4 us...
n YC so like tis 2 guyz...so nice
den so many day passed, i walk in his class
he cum 2 me n ask m i rmbr him
"so sori,how could i rmbr? i ws 1st time in tis class..."
den he xplain 2 me tat he ws d guy hu opened d door 4 me
oh ya ya ya..so i start 2 talk wf him, n i 5 5 took pic wf him
den i sent 2 YC told her tat ws d boy she found
but i 4got 2 take his phone num...but he got mine~
his class ws not a smart class,
but since i know dem, all of dem ws so gud n respect me
n i like dem most...otou i jz hv 30minz wf dem in a week
ohya,i 4got 2 introduce him..he ws SAMUEL LEE..
sori i dunno his name...i nvr ask...
ok,abt d "opened door" actuali got 2 guys help me n YC
he is tat 1 wf Samuel Lee...
i tink tis 2 guys is d helpful monitor in all my class...
their class is most 乖 de...
im so like dem
whn i took wf him, u cn c wat i halang in d back 1...
hahaha....notti samuel lee...
5 条评论:
mi more lengzai lo .... dun 'wu lu ' mi...
hahahaha...ya la ya la
u got ur style la...
but i feel so funny is
he got ur face but his name is zhijian....hahahahahahha
wwat "wu lu" la
so serious meh...
Dat boy reali like Sam meh? A little oni mah...d=.="b