ok,last night i was hanging out with Liew and DiZiGui for a movie
this was the 1st time we gather again after holiday...haahaa
they said will go at night but i keep waiting and waiting....so long.
then Liew fetch us to Mid Valley around 8pm.
buy the ticket first then i belanja them an ice-cream@McD.
before the movie time, we look around@Bowling.
about this movie, i was read the story before
so i wont get any scare by it... but someone not~
DiZiGui keep screaming, but Liew and i was laugh because of she and the movie
the heroine was a girl,9 who was actually 33 in age already.
the story is talking the reason and how she murder someone.
then the air inside the cinema so cold....
i just hope that movie can be finish quickly when i still there... =.=
i think this was my 1st time@MidValley without 4renbang.
the 1st feeling when i was there is, I'm so miss 4renbang
i miss them most..
last year all of us was gather here every Tuesday but now we aren't...T.T