haiz, yesterday was a crazy day for me, i was keep moving for 17 hours!
the story start from afternoon on yesterday..
every time i back to hometown, sure i will bring my student to shopping mall,
just bring them go, don't stay at their world all the time,
learn more beside from book, but from experience.. haahaa
but this time they make e disappointed..
i brought them to Taiping shopping mall, they keep looking for Game CD..
what so interest on that all game? i not really like it.
so never mind, i came there just for meet my friend~kek.
mana tau she was going back to KL already, and i met her sister and brother.
haahaa, never mind, we were friend too!
well, start from 12pm i was out from home and i went back home on evening,
when i reach home, that was my dinner time..
i had drive too long and i got a little bit of tired..
i finish pack my thing and i ready to going back to KL,
just wait for the mood...mood to drive again..
so before i went back to KL, i was give a call to my son.
i never meet him in all this week, 'cause he getting in his exam,
i don't want to disturb him, so i just sms him when i want to talk with him,
well, im so lazy to type my word so i just give a call..
he just left 2 paper in 2 week..that mean a paper a week..
he got so many time to read his book and i think he was so tired,
then in the called we talk about this movie~<Ninja Assassin>,
both of us wanna watch it, but it's show time on 11.10pm!!
that mean it will be finish on 1am! how about me?
i still need to drive to back KL?
but we keep going there, and i was think thrice before i buy the ticket..
and i watch it, finish on 1am..deng~
he never sleep in my car and he keep talking with me,
huh, last time he always sleep in my car and i just drive to home.
well, this movie, not bad, all the time i cover my eyes with my hand,
the ninjas just cut the people like nothing, just cut cut cut,very pain lol!!
the blood just like water, splash all the time.it's weird..
ok, we going to Ipoh on 8.30pm and we finish it on 1am,
then i send him back, reach his home on 1.30am.
i start coming to KL, i was reach here on 5am~
so tired of me..
i try to make my 17 hours in a list:
1210:fetch my student to Taiping
1254:reach there and i contact my friends, kek's sister.
1540:meet them there and start walking and do nothing
1720:going back, send them home, Taiping and K.Kangsar.
1830;dinner in home..watching TV, online
2015:called my son, suddenly want to go for a movie, so, move!
2130:get the ticket and keep waiting.
2315:movie start..
0100:finish movie and we get back.
0130:my son's home and i going back to KL..
0445:reach home and sleepppp.......
just now a phone call was woke me up, it's from my school GB,
she told me she was just out from PPD and she get the news about KDC,
all the WP GSTT will getting notice to go KDC today,
so GB said i still got hope, and,
it's really tired, i was just reach KL, where they will send me for this course?
*this was the shirt i try when i shopping in Taiping,
not suit..cheh.but the shirt look nice~