plus more im taking a course in most north of Kedah,
i always rush for this three places,
and finally im come back, again.. =.=
the first thing i want to do
ya, my aunt and WaiFoong were came to my hometown for vac.
they reach on 25th of i not wrong...
WaiFoong was so enjoy his life over there, 'cause we always bring him out..
he was ready to go 2ndary school next year,
but he still look same, still like a child..
i don't know it's good or not really.
my mum was measure his tall for his pant...
his look really zha dao~
today morning, waifoong's mum(right), that's my aunt lah,
she was making Kuih Kapit.. it's a biscuit which can found in CNY everywhere..
she keep working non-stop from morning 10 until 4pm...
and i, was play play lah.. 'cause i not really like too much..
that kapit very heavy and my sister also not really can handle it~
for me, it just "sap sap sui" i got help it a little bit..
it's really hard to do..swt~
waifoong help too..he help to eat..haahaa
not all la, he help us to lipat the kuih and PLAY... =.=
after that we were ready to go back KL,
i need to wash my car 1st.. my dad's order..
so, GO ON!!
i ask him to help me. actually he and i just want to play~
and he actually not hope to back so earlier, but it's cant,
i need to go back to school because i have a meeting tomorrow,
and his mum also need to start working...
so after we having dinner, we start to go back...
i was drove 3 hours more non-stop and slow,
and waifoong keep talking non-stop with me....
he really pro lol...i also beh tahan.. he was so high and keep asking me to turn back to my hometown...
when i reach home, i saw this thing, it's for me.
from a friend in Sarawak...
he was a friend who was meet thru Friendster,
and we become best friend right now...haahaa...
he was bought and post to me, i know what is this thing,
but i not open it yet...haahaa...
thx to priNc3, my friend, and i also bought u something and will post to you soon..
and now, i need to hardworking for my assignment...
its need to post before 2nd week after school re-open...
that maths so hard to find the note from web... T-T